Wednesday, October 1, 2008

& What did i say?..Didnt I say it?

"its jsut the typicle girl thing I suppose"

"finding the x text msg and numbers in the cellphone"

"but it was nice to see your in a realtionship.. comforting"

Letttsss dissect this for a second...shall we?

So of course, you people knew I was going to say something no?

"The T-Y-P-I-C-A-L girl thing"
Typical hm? That someone finds it necessary to go snooping through their mans things when hes not looking and make contact with people from his past? You would think that if such an effort of energy was made that they would contact people a little bit more important. Like who for instance? Oh I dunno...maybe a couple of kids who don't have their father around anymore...but hey thats just me.

"finding the x text msg and numbers in the cellphone"
Do I look like miss T-mobile? Contrary to popular belief, I dont control the actions of other people. If someone wants to save a text message that I sent weeks or even months ago, whose problem is that? And news flash to the insecure individuals out there. Exes, given their range of MATURITY, can still be friends after parting ways...yes..oh my god..its possible! WHO KNEW??!

"but it was nice to see your in a relationship.. comforting"
Well so nice to see that you have a peaked interest in my personal life. Its comforting to you is it? I'm sure its much more comforting to me. In fact you can bank on it. Whats not so comforting for those people I'm sure is them festering in their own conscious about not trusting their significant other enough? Was it because they were the other person in their current relationship and the fear of karma coming full circle would do to them what they did to someone else? The world may never know..That being said.
I don't want your man. I had your man. And I have something that is beyond any relationship that I could have comprehended.
They say that trust is a greater compliment than love. Good luck trying to find that. While you're sitting there doubting and festering for it..I'm blessed in my life to have both.

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